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Organic Consumers Association Funded by Big Pharma!
By Barbara H. Peterson
Our food supply is in jeopardy. Not only from outside forces such as poisons from China, but from within. The very people that we look to for guidance seem to be working together to lead us straight into global food governance in the form of Codex Alimentarius. This is especially alarming when you consider that the very organizations such as the USDA and FDA, that are charged with the safeguarding and regulation of our food supply are at the forefront of the battle, leading us straight into worldwide genocide using food as a weapon.
But the USDA and FDA do not stand alone. There are others who consider food to be “fair game” in this war against the people, and they just happen to control some very large purse strings. So, who holds the purse strings behind the push to obliterate any food safeguards we may have? Let’s just pick two – Rockefeller and Merck, then take a closer look at a few of the “trusted” organizations that they fund.
The Purse Strings
Let’s take a look at just a part of what the Rockefeller crime family is involved in concerning our food supply.
Today, the Rockefellers use coercive population control tactics and food as a weapon through a front organization, CGIAR (Consultative Group on Agricultural Resources) as the Rockefellers are trying to distance themselves from public- just like the Rothschild clan has done. Engdahl reports that CGIAR operates under the umbrella of the UN World Bank, and its primary focus is the spread of GMO crops. CGIAR was created by the Rockefellers and the Ford Foundation, along with the UN World Bank in 1971 with $350 million dollars a year in funding. (MorphCity)
Financed by generous Rockefeller and Ford Foundation study grants, CGIAR saw to it that leading Third World agriculture scientists and agronomists were brought to the US to master the concepts of modern agribusiness production, in order to carry it back to their homeland. In the process they created an invaluable network of influence for US agribusiness promotion in those countries, most especially promotion of the GMO Gene Revolution in developing countries, all in the name of science and efficient, free market agriculture.(InformationLiberation)
The Rockefeller Foundation spent more than $100 million for the advance of the GMO revolution. (Engdahl – Seeds of Destruction)
Part of the Rockefeller dynasty includes a group known as Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors:
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that advises donors in their philanthropic endeavors throughout the world. The foundation is headquartered in New York City and adheres to John D. Rockefeller Sr.’s practice of managing philanthropy “as if it were a business.”[1] Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors currently advises on and manages more than $200 million in annual giving in more than 60 countries.[2] (Wikipedia)
Philanthropy can be used by business to advance a corporate image that is acceptable to certain groups of people in order to put up a benevolent facade while all the time conducting business as usual, which may or may not be so benevolent.
Now let’s take a peek at Merck:
Merck and Schering-Plough recently merged to create a new company. Today, we are the second-largest pharmaceutical company in the world. We also are a global leader in consumer products and animal care. (Merck)
This is the second largest pharmaceutical company in the world! Merck is the epitome of Big Pharma. One of its departments is devoted to vaccines such as:
AFLURIA® (Influenza Virus Vaccine)
COMVAX® [Haemophilus b Conjugate (Meningococcal Protein Conjugate) and Hepatitis B (Recombinant) Vaccine]
GARDASIL® [Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent (Types 6, 11, 16, and 18) Vaccine, Recombinant]
M-M-R®II (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Virus Vaccine Live)
PedvaxHIB® [Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (Meningococcal Protein Conjugate)]
PNEUMOVAX®23 (Pneumococcal Vaccine Polyvalent)
ProQuad® (Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella Virus Vaccine Live)
RECOMBIVAX HB® [Hepatitis B Vaccine (Recombinant)]
RotaTeq® (Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral, Pentavalent)
Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids Adsorbed
VAQTA® (Hepatitis A Vaccine, Inactivated)
VARIVAX® (Varicella Virus Vaccine Live)
ZOSTAVAX® (Zoster Vaccine Live)
Let’s just look at one of the listed vaccines that this company supplies – Gardasil:
Even one of the top researchers behind the vaccine’s clinical trials, who has been paid by Merck to speak about its supposed wonders, is now publicly questioning it.
No, I didn’t just make that up. Dr. Diane Harper told CBS News in August that some of the side effects could make the vaccine riskier than the cervical cancer it’s supposed to stop.
Remember, this is the same company that rushed Vioxx through the system, and we know how that turned out. Some folks even say Merck’s HPV vaccine really stands for “Help Pay for Vioxx.” (PPJ Gazette)
Part of the Merck dynasty includes a group known as The John Merck Fund:
The late Serena S. Merck founded The John Merck Fund, a New York charitable trust named for her son, in 1970. For the first sixteen years, The Fund worked exclusively to support research into children’s developmental disabilities. Beginning in 1986, it added programs in other fields that also were of concern to Mrs. Merck and her late husband, George W. Merck. (Govtech)
Here is a little history on George W. Merck:
George Wilhelm Herman Emanuel Merck (March 29, 1894 – November 9, 1957), was the president of Merck & Co. from 1925 to 1950.
Born in New York and raised in Llewellyn Park, New Jersey, he attended Harvard College, graduating in 1915. World War I prevented him from pursuing an advanced degree in Germany; instead, he joined his father at the company. He was made president of the company in 1925, shortly before his father’s death. During the interwar years, he oversaw Merck’s involvement in the development of synthetic vitamins, sulfas, antibiotics, and hormones. During World War II, he led the War Research Service, which initiated the U.S. biological weapons program. Merck was on the cover of Time magazine on August 18, 1952, illustrating a story about the American drug industry. He died of a cerebral hemorrhage in West Orange, New Jersey. (Museum Stuff)
George Merck “oversaw Merck’s involvement in the development of synthetic vitamins, sulfas, antibiotics, and hormones.” he also “led the War Research Service, which initiated the U.S. biological weapons program.” Evidently something that was “of concern” to George Merck was biological weapons, synthetic vitamins and vaccines.
Funding Recipients
Organic Consumers Association (OCA)
One of the organizations that has received money from the likes of Rockefeller and Merck through their respective foundations is the Organic Consumers Association (OCA).
Here is a snip from the OCA’s “about” page:
The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is an online and grassroots non-profit 501(c)3 public interest organization campaigning for health, justice, and sustainability. The OCA deals with crucial issues of food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children’s health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability and other key topics. We are the only organization in the US focused exclusively on promoting the views and interests of the nation’s estimated 50 million organic and socially responsible consumers. (Organic Consumers)
That promo sounds very, very, good. That is, until you realize where the money came from to help support this organization. While some very good information can be obtained at the site, there are issues that make no sense from a pro-organic perspective, such as the following snip from an article supposedly debunking the fact that Neotame can be included in USDA organic products labeled “contains organic ingredients,” which is one of the four tiers of “organic” certification. The article was written by Cornucopia and spread far and wide by the Organic Consumers Association:
“None of the bloggers who perpetuate this anti-organic myth reference primary sources to substantiate their claims. As their sources, they reference one another instead of going to the source – such as the Code of Federal Regulations.” (Organic Consumers)
Anti organic myth? The alert is out regarding this dangerous substance called Neotame that can most certainly be put in USDA “contains organic ingredients” foods, and instead of helping to alert people about this situation, the people giving the heads up and calling for the elimination of artificial substances from pure organic foods are labeled anti-organic by the people who are supposed to be the organic watch dogs of our communities. In addition, this statement by Cornucopia is a complete falsehood. All you have to do is read my article “The USDA’s Organic Deception” and click on all of the USDA and FDA source material. All of the primary reference sources are there, straight from the horse’s mouth.
So, the question arises – why would a “pro-organic” site attempt to debunk information regarding the adulteration of organic food by the USDA? Remember, the USDA and FDA are composed of the same people who brought us unlabeled GMOs in our food supply because they are considered GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe). The USDA also has a joint patent with Monsanto on the Terminator gene patent (5,723,765). And these organizations can be trusted to safeguard our organic food?
The answer to the question of why the OCA would support the USDA and FDA and attempt to eliminate opposition to the way these government agencies have taken over “organics” might just lie within the Organic Consumers Association’s (OCA) financial records:
Here are a few of the foundations that this organization has received funding from taken from Activist Cash:
John Merck Fund $200,000.00 1999 – 2002
Tides Foundation & Tides Center $45,500.00 2001 – 2002
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors $57,176.00 2000 – 2005
The following section shows that the OCA has also received funding from the International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA), which is a parent/sister corporation of the Center for Food Safety (CFS), which we will discuss in the next section:
Funding From Other Activist Groups:
Center for Public Interest Research $198,546.00 2000 – 2002
Tides Foundation & Tides Center $45,500.00 2001 – 2002
International Center for Technology Assessment $30,000.00 1998 – 1999
Anti-organic rhetoric, or accusing someone of being anti this or anti that because you want to silence them and keep the truth from coming out is a game played by those who are bought and paid for by companies overtaking the organics industry and changing it to suit their own purposes. It is the same tactic that President Bush used when he coined the phrase “either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.” Either you are with us, or you are anti-organic. Same thing. The people using this tactic count on people to trust them and not do the research themselves. So, who is truly anti-organic while pretending to be otherwise? Just follow the money trail.
International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA or ICTA) / Center for Food Safety (CFS)
Now let’s turn our sights on The International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA or ICTA) and its “sister,” the Center for Food Safety (CFS).
This snip is taken from the CTA “about” page:
Our Mission
The International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA) is a non-profit, bi-partisan organization committed to providing the public with full assessments and analyses of technological impacts on society. CTA is devoted to fully exploring the economic, ethical, social, environmental and political impacts that can result from the applications of technology or technological systems. Visit our sister organization, The Center for Food Safety. (ICTA)
The CTA site also states that it
“seeks to protect the environment, individuals, and society from technologies that have advanced more rapidly than our ability to control the pollution they produce and the other social threats they pose.”
That sounds very, very good. That is, until you realize that this organization is also a proponent of man-made global warming:
“Emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are warming the Earth’s surface temperature and changing the planet’s climate.” (ICTA)
The CFS “about” page states:
The Center for Food Safety (CFS) is a non-profit public interest and environmental advocacy membership organization established in 1997 by its sister organization, International Center for Technology Assessment, for the purpose of challenging harmful food production technologies and promoting sustainable alternatives. (CFS)
Now let’s take a look at the funding for these “sister” organizations. It seems that these organizations have taken more money from the Rockefellers and Merck than Carter has pills.
The following funding is for CFS and CTA combined:
Funding From Foundations & Corporations
Foundation for Deep Ecology $1,670,080.00 1996 – 2003
John Merck Fund $1,305,000.00 1999 – 2005
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors $465,000.00 2000 – 2003
Here are some more recent financial documents obtained through Guidestar:
CFS: Rockefeller 2008 (p.76); Merck 2006 (p.61); Merck 2007 (p.47); Merck 2008 (p.52)
ICTA: Rockefeller 2oo6 (p.36)
Maybe this explains why the CFS was so happy with the passage of the S.510 food safety legislation, and practically jumped up and down with glee at the prospect of this bill being implemented.
The Center for Food Safety (CFS) applauds the passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510) by the United States Congress. The bill which passed the House of Representatives by over seventy votes late yesterday will give the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a greater ability to safeguard our nation’s food system. (TrueFoodNow)
And just maybe now we can also understand why these two organizations initiated a petition trying to have silver listed as a pesticide by the EPA.
The Center for Food Safety (CFS), which along with its sister organization the International Center for Technology Assessment (ICTA) initiated the EPA petition and enlisted the other groups which signed off on the petition, received the second largest amount of funding of any group from the John Merck Fund. (Farm Wars)
It makes sense why these organizations might have a problem admitting that Codex Alimentarius is live and in color, and applaud the power given to the FDA to put small farmers on the chopping block and boost mega-corporate food control now that we see who is helping to fund them – Rockefeller and Big Pharma.
Money Talks
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!
Maybe this is why certain large non-profit activist organizations that we depend on deny that Codex, which leads directly to the systematic adulteration of our organic food supply, is being implemented daily, when it is clear that we are eyeballs deep right now.
Think of Codex implementation like a 100 mile endurance ride. It is accomplished one mile at a time. During the course of the ride there comes a time when the only option available is to finish the ride because going back is farther and may be more difficult than simply staying the course. At that point one is committed, and inextricably bound to finish one way or another. However, it is only when the final mile is finished and one arrives at the intended destination, that the ride is actually “completed.”
So, while people in high places play word games and use sleight of hand trickery leading us to believe that Codex is not being implemented, organics are still what we think they are, and the USDA and FDA are here to protect us and need more power to police our food supply, we are quickly reaching the point of no return in the race to save our food supply. These people are committed to the ride and are bound and determined to finish just what they have started, yet can still claim that Codex has not been implemented because the ride is not finished yet. They still have some distance to go.
We are smack dab in the middle of a food freedom deception so staggering that no one or nothing is immune from suspicion. We have by no means “finished” the Codex ride, but are well on our way to being inextricably bound by deception to stay the course that the United Nations dictates through the machinations of organizations funded by the likes of Rockefeller and Big Pharma. And that is a course leading straight to full Codex compliance, which means saying goodbye to healthy, pure organic food and vitamins. A globalist with organic lipstick is still a globalist.
We need to understand that nobody will fight this fight for us, much less the people being funded by Rockefeller and Merck. We need to stand up on our own and just say no! We need to support our local farmers and grow as much food as we can on our own. We need to do this now, and not wait for our “knight in shining armor” non-profit organizations suckling from the Rockefeller and Merck teats to save us. It is up to you and me to take this fight to the streets.
For those of you who think that it is no big deal that the Rockefellers and Merck fund these organizations, I would like to ask the following questions:
- Is it too much to ask that the people supposedly fighting for our food freedom NOT take money from the very entities we are fighting against?
- Isn’t there some sort of conflict of interest there?
- How can you keep feeding from the same trough year after year and not be part of the herd?
- At what point do you betray the confidence of those around you and pay your dues to the hand that feeds you?
“Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me.” (IMDB)
© 2011 Barbara H. Peterson