In the 1790s Edward Jenner invented vaccination. And he did it by observing that milk maids regular contact with cowpox, which was a common virus that was seen in the cattle industry, that those people who were exposed to those types of mild viruses rarely got severe cases of smallpox. So what he did was he inoculated the cowpox into a young boy who was subsequently exposed to the smallpox virus, and he found out that the young boy did not contract a full blown case of smallpox. Hence an entire vaccination industry was developed and born.
And it was based entirely on empirical evidence and observation. There was no understanding of immunity or how it worked and why it worked, that was centuries away. In fact right now in this day and age in 2008, we’re just beginning to understand the ramifications of this.There’s no understanding of the impacts vaccines can have on the immune system, what sort of detrimental effects, what sort of side effects, what sort of health consequences can happen with all these vaccines and viruses being injected into your body. We’re just now beginning to understand this. So this has been going on since the early 1800s.
So this is something that has been going on for 150 years in order to promote vaccination, to instill fear in people of these diseases, and saying that ‘if I get these diseases I’m going to die so therefore the only way to protect myself from dying is to get a vaccine’. It’s been use in the media for a very long time.
So therefore it’s my opinion that the modern orthodox medical practice evolved from controlling vaccines and vaccination because t was the first medical intervention enforced by British law and now by U.S. law. So as medicine as a profession was starting to gel, and we were starting to see that there needed to be standardized training, standardized education, the foundation of that came out of the whole vaccination industry. And as physicians became known as the vaccinaters they had different clinics set up for vaccination. The money trade and the money that started to come from that. So I believe that it’s almost wrapped up in the DNA of the profession. It’s like the very founding parts of the profession. And why now if any parent or any other practitioner tries to question vaccines or parents go in and say I don’t want my children to have this, there is this vehement blow back by the doctors who administer them because it’s almost like challenging the very substance of medicine from which they came. And so it’s so entwined into the fabric of medicine that it’s very hard to unwind that.
After most children get past their 2, 4, 6 moths, 1 year and five year old vaccines, there’s this big gap of adolescence from like say 7 years of age, all the way up until adulthood that the vaccine industry through the pharmaceutical industry is looking at as their next market share. There’s a whole untapped market share of adolescence for which they can develop vaccines, and this is just the first of many.
This was the vaccination schedule as recently as 1985, so is you were born prior to 1985 or somewhere around that window, these were the vaccines that were available and given. Nothing was given at birth, a DPT vaccine which is diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus was given at 2, 4, and 6 months. The oral polio vaccine was given the little drops under the tongue which has 3 different viruses in it, was given at 2,4, and 6 months. The MMR vaccine measles, mumps, and rubella was given all by itself out there at 15 months of age and there were some boosters that went along. So when you add up the total number of vaccines that were given, that’s about 18 vaccines by 6 months of age and 33 by the time children enter kindergarten. That’s not 18 shots, that’s 18 vaccines, because DPT, those are three different vaccines, but it’s given in one shot. The polio vaccine is 3 different vaccines but it’s administered all at one time.So those are the number of vaccines that were actually given.
Well these are what was given, this is as recent as 2003. We added hepatitis, we added Hib,we added a chicken pox vaccine which is varicella. We added Pneumococcal which is Prevnar. That was in 2003 and look out there at that age group at the 12 months to 15 moths. Remember what I said before, as recently as 1985, MMR was given all by itself. Now the MMR is given in combination with a whole bunch of other vaccines, and is frequently administered with the chicken pox vaccine, which is 4 live virus vaccines all at one time.
Now, this is how many vaccines were given as recently as 2006. Remember what I said before that there were 18 by 6 months of age and 33 by the time kids entered kindergarten. In 2006 it was 54 by the time of 6 months of age, and 80 by the time they entered kindergarten. And those were up to 24 individual shots. That was through 2006. Now this is 2008. Now in addition we’ve added the rotavirus, hepatitis A, a chickenpox booster, so now children will get 103 vaccines by the time they start kindergarten.