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Messages Shared Fri, 03 May 2024 12:59:56 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Message - 20/09/2016

This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Adrian


We've created, and are continuing to develop, an extensive digital library of learning resources for pharmacy professionals here: We are adding new resources weekly and checking for obsolete links.

 If you would consider adding this resource to the above page, or anywhere you see fit, I would be very, very grateful.

 Have a great day!

Comments Tue, 20 Sep 2016 05:52:15 +0000
Message - 02/06/2016 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Marie

Two of my children have had various reactions to vaccines through their childhood. My middle child ost speech and developed serious mental health issues with the meningitis vaccine, she has been diagnosed with PDD on the Autistic spectrum. My youngest has had a serious reaction to the Boostrix vaccine in the last 6 months since he has deteriorated with serious neurological symptoms. Used to be one of the top in his class last year and now bottom as he can no longer concentrate, has blurred vision, zoning out, tremors, flashing lights, clincial depression, a gait when walking, uncontrollable blinking. He has been in hospital twice in the last two months, just done a CT scan, waiting for EEG and possible MRI. All happened after that vaccine. Thinking the aluminum and looking at chelation. Middle child had the Boostrix at 11 also two years ago and lost speech etc. Unless there is some amazing cure for cancer vaccine, my kids both said never again

Comments Thu, 02 Jun 2016 11:55:32 +0000
Message - 08/03/2016 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Janita

Good day,

My 12year old daughter was of the 1st one that received the vaccine in 2014. at school it was given through that it will be good for your daughter and i let her get the vaccine. She started to have her period in Nov 2015- she threw up and was very ill- luckilly in December she skipped her periode but then in February 2016 she had her period again, but it was really bad- she threw up again and could hardly walk- i took her to hospital and she got admitted- she had an ovarian syst that popped. She is only 12 years old and to my knowledge should not have ovarian syst at this age- could this be the hpv vaccine?? 

Comments Tue, 08 Mar 2016 04:08:16 +0000
Message - 04/03/2016 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Trish

My girl too is suffering from the effects from the HPV immunisations. She has just turned 15yrs  old.. she was given the injections at school the all 3 when she was 13. Pre the immunisations she was a fit happy heathly  young girl that only ever got tonsillitis in the winter.. sge played aby sport she could and was like a eveready bunny.. she was always on the go. So after the 2nd injection she go "non conclusive glandular fever" she was very very ill so much so they delayed the thrid shot for a couple of months.. and boy could she sleep she nolonger was active and forgwt about the stamina for sports... she developed warts all over her hands that grew very rapidly we would treat them and they grew back.. . So she jad the third injection and got a flu like  illness.. and for the next year remained very tired but we put it down to the glandula fever... in feb of 2015 she got really unwell once again started off with flu like symptoms but rapidly progressed into a serious illness that put her in hospitial.. she was fainting..  temp in the 39 40 °  regin that wouldnt come down she couldnt hold her own weight on her legs would just give way she has a non discript rash all over her torso. Shr had headaches and unbearable pain in her back and knees.. we saw 6 different a and e drs 4 gps and while in hospitial 3 specailist all ordering mulitiple teSt  over 175 different tests were done over 9 days and nothing all inconclusive..  once the temp come down we went home and referred to perdiatric specalist  a week later she developed heart palpitation we were back at a and e and the off for ecgs and she had to wear a halter for 24 hours .. neither showed anything but she disnt have an attack while wearing it... I got told by the dr at a and e not to being her back to them unleas she stops breathing!!!!.  and a month later saw a loverly trainee specalist she doagonised hwr with cronic fatigue and cronic pain syndrome with treatment was sleep and a referal to the occupational therapist.. In that next three months I saw the doco on tv3 about yhe girls and the effects of HPV I couldnt beleive it.. that was what was happening to my girl so I emailed the specalist shesaid she would look into it and gwt back ro me at our next appointment... she told us at the next appointment that she had spoken to her superior and he had assured her that these were not consistant with side effects to immunisations. .. she had had a virus of a unknown discription that has seriously dibilitated her.. still cronic fatique and cronic pain.. in yr 10 she had over 3/4 of the yr off sleeping or to exhausted to go to school.. we have just had our last pediatric spcalist visit in jan we had a different specalist who wanted to perscribe ritilin cause its had 20% sucess rate at being a cure for cronic fatigue... umm hell no was my answer.. then I found a homeopath we have spent 2 months now detoxing her system for what they found . He has told us that it will be at least 12mths detoxing before we will see improvements... my girl is supost to be sitting ncea this yr but we have taken that presure off her she is going to focus on getting to school for her english classes and try to pass just that... she has managed the 3 days for the last 2 week so we are stoked.. im am so greatful and feel blessed that her reactions have not been life threathening and she is still alive... my heart goes out to all these girls ans just wonder how many that are suffering and not clicked that its from these immunizations.

Comments Fri, 04 Mar 2016 03:56:30 +0000
Message Board Update My humble appologies that the messages have not been getting onto the message board for the last couple of years. Please resend any that have not been posted and I will make sure they are posted on the message board. I have decided to take over admin of the website to ensure all of Julies hard work can continue to make aware facts to give parents an "informed" decision about Gardasil for young girls and helpful links for getting back to being a healthly girl again. Kind regards Robyn

Comments Mon, 29 Feb 2016 19:00:00 +0000
Message - 13/112012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Camille

After reading the entries on this site, I am wondering whey my children's dr. is still confirming the safety of this vaccine, there are risks, and it is quite scary to me.  I don't want to give my 16 year old daughter and 17 year old son this vaccine.  I am going with my gut on this one.

Comments Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:21:11 +0000
Message - 8/11/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Dudley smith

Would you know of any biochemist/naturopaths that practice here in the UK

I've just been reading of one in NZ mentioned in a womens blog on sanevax or this site .

also what can be done to get this poison from the body?

Regards Dudley smith

Comments Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:20:01 +0000
Message - 04/07/2011 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: karen

My daughter has not had a period since her gardasil shot in Nov. of 2007. She suffered from peripherial neuropathy in both feet, migraine headaches, paraplegia, vision loss, ulcerative colitis, new allergies to food. The damage to my daughter is unrelenting. She is still showing new symptoms four years later. No doctor will help us figure out the cure. Some have even said she has conversion....She was fainting and having the paraplegia episodes with tachycardia and low blood pressure readings. Why is Merck allowed to continue poisoning the children of the world?

Comments Wed, 10 Oct 2012 02:09:04 +0000
Message - 21/09/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  nicola lewis

if this vacxine is so bad why are they still offering it to 12 year olds in school. ??????????????

Comments Wed, 03 Oct 2012 07:59:27 +0000
Message - 09/08/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Yolande van de Wetering

I read the article in the Herald this morning about the inquest into the death of Jasmine Renata and I couldn't help thinking of what happened to me about 12 years ago.
I was receiving treatment for severe pain in the form of  Brufen.
Out of the blue my hands and feet started itching and swelling up.  I went to the doctor 3 times and was given Zyrtec. But I kept taking Brufen until 6 days later I started having heart palpitations.  I called my GP and he told me to stop taking Brufen. Nevertheless I had a crisis, my heart was racing and I had difficulty breathing.  I was very sick and couldn't eat. I had the luck to be referred to Dr Ameratunga in Auckland who diagnosed septic shock.  The body is poisoned and turns against itself.
I don't know if this happened to Jasmine but if it did other people should know about it.  I found the Dutch explanation on Wikipedia under "medicijnvergiftiging" =medicine poisoning, this page can be translated into Engish.  All the best to Jasmine's family!

Comments Sun, 16 Sep 2012 15:02:14 +0000
Message - 02/09/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Debbie

I am so concern now, because my daughter and son have both had just one shot of Gardasil and I have decided not to continue any more, after reading some of these articles.   Are they safer since they only had one shot?   I did notice that my son (who is 18) has had sudden hair loss.   Deciding to discontinue the vaccine, will his hair loss get better?

Comments Sun, 16 Sep 2012 14:51:49 +0000
Message - 16/09/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Jo Hudson

Thanks for your research and for putting this out there.  EVERY woman in my family have had either cervical cancer or pre-cancer.  I have NEVER wanted the vaccine, and have talked others out of getting it.
I have smears annually, and will have to for the rest of my life (or at least as long as I have my reproductive tract).  I very good gyne told me years ago the same info that you provided here.  He said that the best thing I could do to avoid an early demise, as my mother did, was to keep in good health and really look after my immune system.  That would, along with regular check  ups and common sense around sex would protect me.  So far so good.
Not so both of my sisters, who required treatment in their teens.

Comments Sun, 16 Sep 2012 14:40:24 +0000
Message - 19/05/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  J Power

Hello, I am so sorry for your family's loss.  I, too, have a daughter who is my world and my best friend.  She will not ever be getting this shot.  Nor will my young son.  I have a friend who's 13 year old daughter has received 2 shots of Gardasil and she is constantly coughing and unwell since the 2nd shot.  She has missed school and dance classes and I am wondering if this is related to this vaccine?

Thank you for sharing your story and having the courage to stand up and fight.

Comments Sun, 19 Aug 2012 09:55:18 +0000
Message - 22/05/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  Mary hunt

Who in their right mind would put all this poison into their body, and possibly think it would help them....may all the people wake up and see what these maniacs are wanting to do to our children!

This company must be gotten rid of and all those vaccines destroyed!

Comments Sun, 19 Aug 2012 09:51:19 +0000
Message - 13/05/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  Jonathan

Hi, I am 58. Had Polio vaccine in early 1960's. Gioblastoma chopped out my head in march this year.
 A definite cause/responsibility probably avoided by the health department's lab testing contract being set up to avoid SV40 testing !

Comments Sun, 13 May 2012 11:03:21 +0000
Message - 11/05/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  Emily

I was vaccinated when I was 15 (I'm 23 now). Do any of the ingredients in Gardasil have any known lasting effects? Also, how long does Polysorbate 80 stay in your body? I have noticed that I have alot of nerve pain around the time of my period (on my scalp, hands, feet). If I have not had any major symptoms thus far, should I worry about the future?

Comments Sun, 13 May 2012 11:01:38 +0000
Message - 4/03/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  Kurt Buri

I am pleased to have stumbled across this site. Thank you. My 12-year-old brought home the schools consent form for Gardasil - suspiciously elaborate!  Why I did not agree to the vaccination is based on the attached links I found some time back. Keep up your much needed work!
With regards. Kurt Buri

Gardasil: extreme side effects and death

HPV Gardasil Vaccine Proves Lethal - 47 Girls Now Dead

Gardasil WARNING! - CNN Report 8.11.8

Gardasil Vaccine, Injection of Death!: Dr. sherri Tenpenny Reports 1/2

Dr. sherri Tenpenny Reports 2/2

Comments Sun, 04 Mar 2012 06:25:36 +0000
Message - 15/02/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from Sandy Lunoe

Judging by the huge amount of publicity around vaccine promotion many are under the impression that the manufacturers know all about their products in detail. It may be shocking to discover that this is far from the truth.
Here is a list of 27 unanswered yet important questions. The list is not even complete.

Comments Fri, 24 Feb 2012 03:11:21 +0000
Message - 9/01/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  Wendy Hunt

I have just attended an "information meeting " run by two Public Health Nurses at my daughter's school.Around 70, year 8 girls (mostly 12 years old),and just three other mothers viewed the DVD and engaged in some discussion afterwards.In the movie the young girl is told that the vaccine is "safe" and that it will "prevent cervical cancer".Both statements are totally untrue,but that's all the audience remembers.Then she takes the form home for her parents to read (or not ),and sign.Just as the majority of those girls present today will do.The pressure to conform and have the three shots is enormous and no-one seems to care .Who takes the risk and who gets the benefit ?

Comments Thu, 09 Feb 2012 09:41:42 +0000
Message - 22/01/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  Kristi Johnson

My daughter at the age of 13 was just diagnosed with an ovarian cyst the size of her actual ovary the size of a walnut. She had two of the three doses when I heard about the horrible deaths and side effects. I did not allow the third but now she has a cyst we have no family history of this and she has always been very healthy. I am so disgusted at how I was lied to about this vaccine I wish I had known the real truth behind it before I subjected my daughter to this. Please help if there is anyone that can give me advice I am doing as much reserch that I can to find a way to help her. Her pediatrician suggested birth control to reduce the cyst which is absolutely ridiculous just another way to put more money into the pharmaceutical industry, I can't believe she actually suggested that. I am so frusterated please help!

Comments Fri, 03 Feb 2012 14:24:11 +0000
Message - 12/01/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  Freda Birrell

I have just read this tragic story about the death of her beautiful little baby boy.  Oh Julie my heart goes out to this family and many more like them.  So thankful for people like you who will stand up and be counted and try to overturn the great harm that is being done to these beautiful babies.  Sending my love to Stephanie and for the terrible heartache she suffers daily.  The dear Lord will look after her little one.

Comments Fri, 13 Jan 2012 03:54:51 +0000
Message - 8/01/2012 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  Grace

Thank you for doing this, my mother wishes me to get the vaccine and I have refused to because of risk of becoming infertile. Again thanks.

Comments Fri, 13 Jan 2012 03:52:56 +0000
Message - 11/11/2011 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Jeni Bishop

My daughter is 15 yrs old she was given the Gardasil Vaccine August 2011.  One week later started to swell in her ankles then throughout her body over the next 5 days.  Ended up in the ER with what was diagnosed as Nephrotic Syndrome with Minimal Change Disease.  Has had to endure being on Prednisone for 6 weeks which then lead to severe joint pain in both of her knees.  She got off the prednisone just 10/29/11 and has been monitoring for protein in her urine daily since then.  On Nov 7th her protein levels starting rising again and today 11/11/11 she is going back on the prednisone.  Please get this out to all looking to decide whether or not to have this vaccine.  My daughter was a perfectly healthy and very athlectic girl before this vaccine.  Please let me know of any other similar reports.

Comments Sat, 12 Nov 2011 06:06:04 +0000
Message - 8/11/2011 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Justine 

Hi, my 15y old daughter had the injections in 2009 and has had not but ill health since.  She has been diagnosed with post viral chronic fatigue, however she does not appear to be getting any better and is now of school and being home schooled by the central regional health school.  She has just had a specialists appointment and many blood tests to rule out any autoimmune conditions, which have come back all negative, which is difficult to understand due to the symptoms she has.  We have a strong family history of Lupus, penicillin allergy and my mother has an inactive thyroid.  It has been suggested to me that my daughters symptoms are a reaction to the vaccine and I am now convinced, having read a lot of information regarding reactions around the world and having spoken to another mother locally who's daughter has developed an autoimmune condition as a result of the vaccine.  I guess what I am wondering is, where to from here and how do I best help my daughter to recover and get on with her life.

Many thanks for your very informative site and any more advice you could give me.

Comments Tue, 08 Nov 2011 06:51:42 +0000
Message - 01/11/2011 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  Mamie Wright

My daughter received the HPV injection 18 months ago. She was very ill after the event and after 6 mths of testing she was diagnosed with SJOGRENS SYNDROME. A sydrome that is not seen in children. Her health is deteriating monthly and i do strongly believe that this is due to the injection as there is no hereditary reason for her to have SJOGRENS.

Comments Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:39:13 +0000
Message - 24/10/2011 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  C Bello

Hello,  Last year after consulting with my gyno she reccomended I have the Gardasil shot. Mysteriously a few days after my first injection I started getting hot flashes and noticed my period was very light. The following month my period ceased and I told my DR at our next follow up visit. She ran some blood work and found my FSH levels were an abnormal 78!! Since then I've been told that I can never have children and I am suffering with premature ovarian failure. I am only 24 years old. :( Has this happened to anyone else? Have any young girls expirienced hormone problems and infertility post gardasil? Please help.

Comments Wed, 26 Oct 2011 02:45:42 +0000
Message - 15/10/2011 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: sharon

My 16 year old daughter had 2 doses of the HPV vaccine when she was 11.  Shortly after that, she bruised up and began hemorrhaging during her menstrual cycle.  She was then diagnosed with ITP.  I tried bringing her case to the vaccine-injury program but was told by a vaccine-injury lawyer that because my daughter also had a virus during that time, we had no case.  She has chronic ITP and while it only really affects her playing contact sports when her platelets are low, it has  definitely changed her life. I would like to know if anyone has any information on how or who I can contact to report this to an official agency either private or governmental.  Can we bring our daughters case back to the vaccine-injury for review again now that more cases have arisen? Thanks you in advance.

Comments Mon, 17 Oct 2011 04:22:39 +0000
Message - 12/10/2011 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  Susan

Thank you for this site!
Unfortunately, our Governor Brown in California just signed a bill that says girls as young as 12 years old, may consent to getting this vaccine without a parents permission.

Not sure how I'm going to respond if the doctor tells me to leave her alone in the room so they can chat.  Praying for wisdom!!

Comments Fri, 14 Oct 2011 07:12:04 +0000
Message - 4/10/2011 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:

To All,

My deepest Sympathies to all the families who's precious Children have passed away due to the criminal act set upon our children.

Everyday, I have to live not knowing if my daughter will get through her day.  I hate it when I call her and ask her if she is O.k. and she tells me, No, Mum.

 I have lodged a complaint of grievous bodily harm to the police. They have to act. If not, I will scream louder. I also informed the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the concerns of Gardisil.

A young 23 year old Australian girl dropped dead in Italy yesterday, I wonder if she had received Gargisil? So many healthy kids with their lives in front of them,  just don't become so sick or die for no reason.

The Prime Minister of Australia must act, and if she doesn't, in my opinion, she will be an accessary to the crime.  The fact is our children are sick, dying or are dead after receiving Gardisil and Gardisil needs to be withdrawn immediately.

To read in America, they want to give it to 12 year olds  Gardisil, with no need for parental consent is madness.

Does the Prime Minister of New Zealand know what is going on?

One can steal from me, burn my house down, accuse me of any wrong doing, whatever, I can accept that, but hurt my children I will not shut up, go away, and will not stop.

I have been in severe shock and numb the past week since receiving another phone call from my daughter.  Mum, I'm in the hospital, my heart rate is 70/46. a few days later, I went to the local police station and showed him medical records, dates etc. The Senior Sergent said,  what is the link between when she received  the Gardiisil and being so ill since? It was that statement made me think, what on earth was in that Gardisil? then i googled that word for the first time.

Those responsible for Gardisil, It is my opinion, you have killed or greviously harmed our children. If those responsible,  are some of the richest and powerful people on this earth, you have to held accountable for what you have done
through your recklessness, lack of Duty of Care and your greed and will need to compensate for the physical and economic damage you have done to our children and their families. Working people work hard to feed,  clothe and educate their children.  You have robbed them of a healthy life and their Mother's Human's Rights. All the nurturing and caring a woman gives her child is sacred and not to be dismissed as if the child, the nurturing, meant nothing.
I do not accept all those years caring for my child has come to this. No, I will not accept that.

My child is 1300 hundred kilometres away, I am not in an economic situation wheras I can once again walk out the door and be where I should be, caring for my child.

 All those years making breakfast, sending off to school, collecting her off the school bus and seeing her happy little smiling face, watching her dedicate all her free time to the Community,  scraping and saving so she could go to University, so proud when she was awarded 'Australia Day Young Citizen of the Year 2007' for our region, how we worked hard day in, day out, to give her shelter, to pay to feed, clothe and nourish her.

We were proud parents as we provided for our family.

 Now in a position, I cannot even make her a meal or be there to care for her is like saying I am now dead and she no longer can experience the presence of her mother's love when she needs me most.

I understand Gardisil is a Merck product, so I googled, Merck criminals.  The internet is a powerful tool. I understand who is involved, the power, the money, etc. Wonder if their children have received Gardisil injections?

We are not talking about the recall of faulty brakes in a car here, we are talking about our children. How dare a multi billion dollar industry injure our children through recklessness and not be responsible for Duty of Care.

Think one needs to read the criminal code of one's country, very carefully.

A man can be the world's most influential power broker, but you know what, if a man is without dignity and respect for their fellow human being , he is nothing but scum.

This is a world catastrophy. Politicians need to listen to the people they represent. One thing I have learnt in this life, don't underestimate corruption, as it is beyond belief.

We had a good Prime Minster in this country of Australia, a man we thought we could trust. We voted for him. Someone who would stick up for the people, a man who was not afraid to speak the truth, he appeared honest and had decency, but the power brokers replaced him.

Yours sincerely,


Comments Tue, 04 Oct 2011 02:05:53 +0000
Message - 17/09/2011 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Krystin Burt

I was given Gardasil when i was 15 going on 16 years old in a group home for foster children and probation children , i got the three shots because i was told it would prevent hpv and cervical cancer and a lot of the girls were getting it i am now 18 years old. Gardasil does not work didn’t prevent me from getting hpv when i found out i had it my doctor was just like well alot of people have it you have no worries. Well i don’t think it works for others i truly believe its just another way to get money out of people. There are young adults that get this shot and go out with no worries thinking they wont get hpv because they got this shot not knowing it only prevents certain hpv kinds, there are 100's of types of hpv. Well i worry much for other kids because it doesn’t prevent much, my sister also was given this Gardasil but she is in a worse position than me when she got hpv it went to another level than just having cervical cancer. Now that i fully understand Gardasil i wouldn’t of gotten it when i was younger because it wouldn’t of made a difference,

Comments Wed, 21 Sep 2011 09:48:55 +0000
Message - 10/09/2011 This is an enquiry e-mail via

from: Lynn

Your website is very informative and helpful.  So glad I found it.

We are in the US and have been trying to research what your website has confirmed, that there are indeed valid, potential dangers to this vaccine.

Our doctors have been trying to push this vaccine on our girls and we have refused but it is scary, as we know of others who have gotten the shot and and were told nothing of the potential side effects.

Comments Sat, 10 Sep 2011 10:27:03 +0000
Message - 24/06/2011 This is an enquiry e-mail via

from: Barbara Breier

My daughter at the time was 16 yrs old and on Feb 27, 2008 had her first HPV vaccine and the second one April 24, 08. On June 14-08, I heard my dog barking in the living room I went to see what he was barking at and I found my daughter lying on the carpet having a seizure. At the time this was happening I did not know she was having a seizure because she doesn’t have a history of seizure problems. I thought my daughter was dying in my arms of course I dialed 911 and she was taken to the emergency room. We have under gone several tests CAT scan, EEG, MRI, spinal tap, blood work and currently seeing a neurologist. The tests have came back all negative and now she has to take medicine for epilepsy.  The first medicine the ER put her on was phenytoin sodium. Now she is taking Keppra, I had ask her primary doctor if there could be some connection to having taking the HPV vaccine her answer was that there has been no evidence or research to prove that the HPV vaccine can cause seizures. The doctor also said she probably has epilepsy. Wow this has been my daughter’s doctor since she was 5 yrs old. My daughter Sarah Breier is an outgoing teenager who has plans to graduate from high school and go on to a 4 year college. She is active in sports and plays the violin. I would definitely like to know why the medical field will not even consider that the HPV vaccine may have cause the complications.

Comments Sat, 10 Sep 2011 10:24:01 +0000
Message - 2/08/2011 This is an enquiry e-mail via

 from: Mark

just want to say keep up the good work.
I have contributed in a small way by sponsoring the movie 'one more girl' which
exposes the truth behind Gsrdasil travesty. I hope to get this out to anybody
who will keep an open mind.

Cheers. Mark

Comments Wed, 03 Aug 2011 02:51:49 +0000
Message - 12/07/11

This is an enquiry e-mail via from:   ljay

 I miss the days when I used to ovulate every month. I'd always get a lovely amount of ewcm and light twinges from my ovaries to let me know that someday I would become a mother. NOW... I am dry and in so much pain! I am dealing with ovarian cysts every month since getting the shots. You want to know how many years I've had to deal with this? Last shot I was 16, now I'm 20. It took so long for my husband and I to conceive our first born. He is now an angel and we are desperately aching for a rainbow baby. Oh... but unfortunately I've got these cysts to deal with. Sure, let me go ahead and get on birth control too and see how that screws with my body! I love my mother dearly, (and of course she didn't know, cause they never tell you!) but I do believe that the gardasil shot has something to do with the problems I have been having for the last 4 years. No, I don't have HPV! But I do have other complicated BS to deal with.

Comments Mon, 18 Jul 2011 03:46:28 +0000
Message - 4/07/11 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: karen

My daughter has not had a period since her gardasil shot in Nov. of 2007. She suffered from peripherial neuropathy in both feet, migraine headaches, paraplegia, vision loss, ulcerative colitis, new allergies to food. The damage to my daughter is unrelenting. She is still showing new symptoms four years later. No doctor will help us figure out the cure. Some have even said she has conversion....She was fainting and having the paraplegia episodes with tachycardia and low blood pressure readings. Why is Merck allowed to continue poisoning the children of the world?

Comments Tue, 05 Jul 2011 10:48:00 +0000
Message - 30/06/11 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Peter Bowditch

I must congratulate you on the work that has gone into this site. It is rare to find such a concentrated collection of insanity and dangerous advice in one place. I'm sure that the hundreds of thousands of women who die painfully each year from cervical cancer will appreciate your work against a proven, safe protection from the disease that kills them.

I hope that my mention of all those women dying didn't give you a spontaneous orgasm from the pleasurable thought. I apologise if it did.

Comments Sat, 02 Jul 2011 08:26:56 +0000
Messages - 13/06/11 This is an enquiry e-mail via from:  Phil Evans

 Thank you for this website. It is so gratifying to see all this info in one place. Thanks you.

Comments Wed, 15 Jun 2011 12:27:32 +0000
Message - 10/01/11 from: Charlie

While I feel it is important to let people know the ingredients and side effects of the vaccine, you haven't stated anything about he disease it is preventing. HPV is an incredibly serious disease linked to 2/3 of all cervical cancer patients. It is one of the main causes of cervical cancer. Not only that, but 1/3 of all women with cervical cancer are killed. HPV is a terrifying disease and the cancer it is linked to is even worse. It's important to know the facts about the vaccine, but it is equally important to know the facts about the disease the vaccine is trying to prevent.

Comments Tue, 11 Jan 2011 03:11:47 +0000
Message - 31/12/10 This is an enquiry e-mail via

from:  tim hester

 My daughter got the vaccine and she has been in and out of the hospital for six months. She has pseudoseizures,anaphalaxis,fatigue,headaches,joint pain,vision loss and several other problems. She has not been to school in months and we fear this might get worse.She is going through detox right now because no other doctor prescribed medicine will work. DO NOT GET GARDASIL.

Comments Fri, 31 Dec 2010 12:12:16 +0000
Message - 4/11/10 This is an enquiry e-mail via from: Rhonda Renata

Hello all,

The coroners report is in and only confirms what we already new.  Our Daughter Jasmine was absolutly healthy. Result .... UNASCERTAINED... Hmm just like most of the the young girls who died in their sleep after Gardasil in the UK.

The coroner has how ever paid for the brain samples of our daughter to be sent by fed ex to Canada.  This purpose is for histological essay examination by a very trusted and respected Proffessor .  Although we have to fit the bill for the essays to be examined .... we said we wanted all possible tests done .  We will keep you all informed of any results from these test no matter what the outcome.  Only thing we are dissapointed about is the fact that where vaccines are concerned sample of the spinal cord would have spoken volumes,  but of corse , that was not aquired juring the normal autopsy proceedure.

How many parents do you know would ...during their grieving  just pop over to the coroner and say oh! by the way .....can you make sure that you get a sample of the spinal cord?
It should be compulsory today as we enter a knew age of vaccines and big Pharma dependencies on these incomplete and fast tracked vaccines.

Take care out their and remember to debate before you vaccinate!!!!

Rhonda Renata

Comments Thu, 04 Nov 2010 13:20:30 +0000